The Aim of this research to find out the those depend variables who influences on the employee�s Performance, by which the organization�s representative can utilize for the improvement of the organization by which can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness on the Hospital Sector of Karachi, Pakistan. As per the Selected leaderships styles and dimension of work environment, motivation and Discipline of Work perform an important role play in any institute, so through this research the hospital sector can utilize this research for the betterment of employee performance and enhance the productivity of employee performance The researcher using the CFA method, the data is collected through the close ended questioners by utilizing the 5 point Likert Scale with random sampling. The respondent for this research are the Hospital Sector of Karachi, Pakistan. The Transformational, transactional and servant leadership style, Discipline of work, goal orientation are dimension of Work Environment, Motivation independent variables of this research and employee performance is the Depend variable. Moreover, the data analysis by utilizing the Excel for data clearing purpose, SPSS is utilizing for analysis the important result of this particular research by using the regression and AMOS utilizing for check the reliability and validity for the strength of the model. This research is useful for any sector of Pakistan because the HRM department�s Problem is exist any organization and they can use this research for enhancing the productivity of employee and as per the time duration for this research is short it is quite possible that more of the variables are not utilize for this research.


Keywords: Transactional, Transformational leadership Style, Participate, CFA, Productivity


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