Ethical leadership is an important aspect in several researches and this aspect is used to increase the employee productivity in organizations. Ethical leadership promotes organizational values in a smooth way which results in achieving organizational goals and sustainability. The purpose of this study is to get the relevant and current information regarding ethical leadership which is necessary to be practiced in work environment in order to improve the productivity of employees. This study examines the influence of leadership that is essential to increase the employee performance. The focus of this research paper is to understand the increase in employee performance under improved leadership. The framework of this research shows the relationship between employee voice, psychological wellbeing, psychological ownership, job satisfaction, leader-follower relationship, equity sensitivity with ethical leadership. The data was collected using questionnaires that had been filled by 400 employees. The research is related to employee productivity in the organization so the selected respondents are organizational employees. The relationship of variables was examined by using SEM, CFA with the help of SPSS, Amos and pls. ethical leadership creates interests for employees in organizational activities to accomplish tasks in efficient manner. This research uncovers the factors that are essential to enhance the work behavior of the employees. These factors are highly acknowledged within the organizational environment. This would benefit to improve the leadership influence to enhance the employee productivity.


Keywords: Ethical leadership, Employee Voice, Psychological ownership, psychological well-being, equity sensitivity, leader-follower relationship, employee productivity, job satisfaction.


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