This research paper examines the benevolent leadership style and it's described as a specialist style that spotlights on having individualized what's more, complete stress to subordinates' near and dear and familial flourishing. It was proposed as one of the portions under the paternalistic activity. Benevolent leadership as the style that focus on having individualized and holistic concern to sub ordinates personal and familial well-being. Leadership defined as supporting the sub ordinate in every way. This study aimed to identify the influences of leadership behavior of sub ordinate performance through considering perceived supervisor support, self-efficacy and organizational culture. This study helps to determine the relationship between sub ordinate performance and leadership. Higher level of support exhibit positive relationship that is essential for achieving organization goals. The observational outcomes demonstrate that there is a full intercession impact of leadership style on the sub ordinate performance. There are some other that influences sub ordinate performance such as self-efficacy, organizational culture and rate of productivity workforce. Positive outcomes of employee performance it associated with leadership support an employee always wants a leader with paternalistic hand over their head. A sample size of 200 employees from multinational organization in Karachi was collected. Descriptive statistics and linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The outcomes may not be summed up in diverse settings and callings, given the relevantly and socially particular setting.


Keywords: benevolence, organizational culture, perceived supervisor support (PSS), work force productivity


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