In the contemporary world, the inter-relation between HRM practices and well-being has a significant importance for doing research. In this study the researcher addressed the connection between performance management and job satisfaction with mediating effect of well-being with their different facets. A direct relation of performance management with well-being and a direct relation between job satisfaction and well-being have been observed in this study. The study has performed in a banking sector of Karachi, Pakistan and explore the responses of employees having different perceptions about their job, their experience and suffers from different relational stress and vitality at work place. Research paradigm is descriptive and data is collected by the employees of banks who are under age of 30-40 and some of them are new comers. The unit of analysis is dyads and individual in a non-contrived environment with excessive interference. The researcher will further explore the dimensions of constructs on different sector and MNC’S.


Keywords: Directive Performance Management Approach (DPMA), Enabling Performance Management Approach (EPMA), Job satisfaction (JS), Well-Being (WB), Employee Work Experience (EWE).



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