This paper investigates how work engagement of healthcare employees enhances their general well-being and control at work with a mediation role of Psychological Capital. Work engagement refer to positive conduct of representatives at work. In this paper we have added three dimensions Vigor, Dedication and Absorption to enhance work engagement of employees and also add a performance. The main variable in this paper was WE which has a direct relation with these three dimensions (dedication, vigor, absorption). Work Engagement is indirectly related to General Well-Being and Control at Work with a mediating role of Psychological Capital. The targeted people in this model are healthcare employees. We performed SEM with the help of SPSS, Microsoft Excel and AMOS. This paper will be beneficial for healthcare organizations to improve their employee work engagement. This paper is limited to only healthcare employee WE. Recommendation, investigate impact of this model on other organization’s employees.
Keywords: Work engagement, Vigor, Dedication, Absorption, General well-being, Control at work.