
Background & Overview:


In this exploration the researcher intends to examine the behavior of well-being with respect to employee experience, performance management and job satisfaction. The employees of an organizations think that organization didn’t consider them in its success because of some organization’s policies many employees thinks that their experience is not much for the job or they are feeling their job insecurity or suffering from stress, psychological and physical well-being. But “All organizations are not the same”. Every organization has different orientation, different practice of performance management, different activities to developed employees, different ways to satisfy their well-being. In this modern era, organizations are giving importance to make their employees happy, motivated, satisfied with their jobs and give them healthy work environment so that they can stay for longer period if they wish because “happy employees are satisfied and stay longer than unhappy ones”.


Leaders, supervisors and managers are working to enhance well-being and performance management of employees and with the help of those employees gets job security and engagement to experience which in turn employee development to employee satisfaction, by using various ways to make employees committed and determine with their job that leads to organization successful. In this study performance management, job satisfaction, employee experience, employee well-being is being observed as constructs; the researcher wants to examine the relationship between the constructs from an employee’s point of view. However, organizations are now considering the opinion of their employees but still there is some push factor which makes employees dis-satisfied from their job. In Many organizations in this modern era find many ways and means to attain organizational goals. However, to meet the goals they pressurize their workers by giving more tasks to perform more According to (Pedler & Boydel, 1981) if practices are going to give outcome in development results, the individual must almost certainly utilize the vital aptitudes and resources to learn such kind of experience and try them into expressive knowledge events. The change in Employee performance is beneficial for organization to meet organizational goals as employee learn experience and seek task, its development can deliver an organization with learning managers (Juch, 1983). Performance management plays an important role in employee’s development simplify and clarifying their quality, shortcoming, outlooks and skills hence they provide the organization with seek knowledgeable leaders. Many organization used reward system to motivate their employees performance, to value them, to encourage them researcher also viewed that positive attitude and good performing international organizations also made use of reward system in their companies by giving reward on their efforts will increase positive attitude towards their performance (Underwood, 2004). Mostly studies prove that bonus system in the organizations is successful in improving and creating the performance of the organization in the sectors (Lazear, 2009). Perceived management support deliver employee with justice, fairness by mean of administrative support, company rewards and positive job circumstances as this result employee feel appreciated valued and motivated (Eisenberger, Armeli, Rexwinkel, Lynch, & Rhoades, 2001). Reward is used as incentive which are more important and meaning full to employees across many kinds of level and job performance management approaches to motivate employee by appreciating their skills so they can work more and it became easy to achieve targeted goals ( Rumpel & Medcof, 2006). Study refers that employee learning in the work place and their intentions to engage in developing learning activities so that they can be very proficient in new skills and knowledge (Liu & Xiang, 2018); besides this employees need a process to expand capacity by actions, social interactions and their experiences. They also have considerable skills and need access for most important knowledge like up to date information and experience-based knowledge. It also covers distinctive forms of activities (Høyrup, Liu, & Xiang).


A large proportion of individuals spend their waking hours at job (Sekine, 2010).Job Satisfaction is also a vital element of one’s overall well-being as it is playing a key role in people’s lives. A big portion of worker’s occupied by work and it naturally impacts the physical and mental health of each worker (Gustainiene & Endriulaitiene, 2009). The notion of job satisfaction relates to the consistent status between the expectations and needs in relation to work and their satisfaction in life. Organizations are very anxious for developing their own human resources and getting a competitive advantage, one of the most vital elements namely, is their human resources which seems very essential (Chan & Wyatt, 2007).


In organizational culture employee-wellbeing is very much trending, leaders, supervisors, managers and employees believe that making employees free from stress, happy and healthier can increase their contributions and productivity at work place. Consequently, leaders and managers are very much focused on enhancing employee wellbeing through various ways, therefore from development of employees, employee recognition practice, and free employee assurance program and health benefits. Through surveys HR managers regularly monitor employee well-being. Research explain that employee well-being is very vital element for organizations, evidence shows that employee well-being is very important for organization performance and its survival which affects the organization citizenship behavior, cost related illness, absenteeism, turnover and performance. To understand wellbeing there are three dimensions of well-being: psychological, social and physical. And each dimension has different perspective of wellbeing when it comes of discipline (Grant, Christianson, & Price, 2007).


In human resource management employee development is one of the significant functions to enhance the abilities, capabilities and skills of an individual employee for the sake of organization. When the individuals who are employees of an organization develop that organization, hence the productivity increases of that organization. When the employees are more developed, they are very much satisfied and committed with their employment, there performance increases and increased performance of employees will lead to organizations effectiveness (Hameed & Waheed, 2011). Now organizations want their employees to be developed so they design such activities which indicates that their employees are towards development. Employee experience begins with getting a profound comprehension of representatives in connection to the organization. In the meantime, businesses are confronting a representative populace in which less than half are happy with their employments.


Problem Statement:


There are findings which suggest employee is incapable to complete his task due to excessive duties and responsibilities his work overload increases by given more task and directly effect on their performance (Margolis, 1974). Employee faced many problems, pressure of work that only arises in workplace like deadlines, short notices, and family pressure and others which effect their mental being (Mimura & Griffiths, 2003). Many organizations used reward system to motivate their employee’s performance, to value them, to encourage them. However, researcher has also viewed that positive attitude and good performing in international organizations and use of reward system in their companies by giving reward on their efforts will increase positive attitude towards their performance (Underwood, 2004).


Mostly studies prove that bonus system in the organizations are successful in improving and creating the performance of the organization in the sectors (Lazear, 2009). (Shaorong1, 2018) Identifies the new dimensions of greater effort and understanding by management which may help organizations to succeed, achieve economic target and wellbeing. And the use of new HR Practices according to employee wellbeing and which are related to employee performance and job satisfaction. (ying) Study found that specific skill, knowledge, promote employee, and a financial appraisal tool pay-for-performance encourages employee performance at the work place and to oversee feedback of employees can be investigated further. (Khoreva & Wechtler, 2018) Recommends that using different scales of HR practices and employee wellbeing i.e. psychological wellbeing, physical wellbeing and social wellbeing. Therefore, there would be more empirical and theoretical work can be done to make employee happy, social, healthy and creating employee performance synergies. However, there is also a little room to work on performance management practice on organization culture as proposed by (Odhiambo, 2015). The researcher tries to investigate one more construct such as job satisfaction with the existing constructs in a Pakistani context as its banking sector have gone through significant changes, the researcher wants to examine different approaches of the constructs that how they perceived well-being and job satisfaction by banking staff.


The Research Aim and Objectives:


The study aims to determine the relation between afore mentioned constructs and investigate the impact of employee experience as a mediator on performance management, job satisfaction and well-being. Despite the fact we can say that if the experience of the employees in the organization is good and employees will be satisfying and contended with their job. However, there are other factors which can be the reason of employee well-being as a good compensation, rewards and incentives etc. and some may not satisfy their well-being like job autonomy. Thus, to what degree the variables impact each other.


To achieve the above aim, following are the objectives:
 Determine the impact of Performance Management on Employee Work Experience.
 Determine the impact of job satisfaction on Employee Work Experience.
 Determine the impact of employee work experience on well-being.
 Determine the impact of performance management on well-being.
 Determine the impact of job satisfaction on well-being.


Scope and Significance of the study:


This research paper is very beneficial for future researches as it described the behavior of well-being with respect to employee work experience, performance management and job satisfaction. Employee performance is one of the significant functions to develop the capabilities, abilities, skills of an individual employee for the sake of an organization. Performance management plays a significant role in employee’s development and job satisfaction. Our new generation will change their mindset by reading this research. It helps them to understand that Organizations not only works for its profit and competitive edge but also for their employee for their work experience, their development, to secure their job and minimizing employee turnover and to satisfy their well-being. It is not only applying on education sector but also in other sectors namely (Clinical, Aviation, Manufacturing and MNC’S). This study has a core value in this modern era, nowadays organizations are so much concerned to satisfy their representatives, persuaded, happy with their employments and give them solid workplace so they can remain for longer period. The study has a broad scope for those who are a student of Management Sciences and near to complete their graduation and start working in organizations as new comers so, they can explore this study by adding different constructs and dimensions. Furthermore, they can use this as a base paper and explore it with new and different aspects of HRM.


Literature Review


Performance Management:


Performance management has been described “as the process of defining, measuring, evaluating and rewarding people’s performance in an organization” (den Hartog, Boselie, & Paauwe, 2001). Performance management is an important useful tool for organizations to support them it is a set of activities that make sure that objective are met in effectual and efficient manner and focused on the performance of an employee or the procedure in place to deal with tasks. (Flamholtz, Accounting, budgeting and control systems in their organizational context: Theoretical and empirical perspectives, 1983) Stated as “actions or activities taken to influence the probability that people will behave in ways which lead to the attainment of organizational objectives”. For all organizations the use of controls is an unavoidable element because cooperation of units or individuals sometimes may not share the objectives which are same and for this they need the role of organizing (Ouchi W. G., 1979; Ouchi & Mcguire, 1975). As suggested by (Ferreira & Otley, 2009; Flamholtz, 1983; Flamholtz, Das, & Tsui, 1985; Grabner & Moers, 2013; Malm & Brown, 2008; Otley, 1999) to become a dominant one, organization incorporate different control system such as; performance measures, direct supervision, planning processes, rewards, socialization, training &development, and targets so on and so forth to meet the requirements of their stake holders. This mechanism perceives to form an integrated and complete package; specially designed by the managers. Recent studies propose that the design of performance management go with either “Directive performance management approach” or by “Enabling performance management approach” (Santos, Bourne, & Rivera, 2014).


Perceived use of Directive Performance Management Approach:


In organization employee salary has an long-standing positive relationship with output as an employee work hard and perform his work with efficiently and more effective way its output for organization is becoming easy toward their goals (Kling, 1995)Having a better reward system help in keeping employee happy, loyal and eager to keep moving. When employee knows that their work is appreciated their self-esteem and motivation increases Rewarding to employees in organization made employee feel superior, special, important, and appreciated ( Lee & Back, 2009)Through Performance monitoring it ensures that employee is developing or succeeding towards the goals and objectives recognized during goal setting.Performance measurement and monitoring are are high on the plan of directors worldwide and crosswise over various businesses (Hudson, Smart, & Bourne, 2001).


Incentives like bonuses usually increase employee’s work which increase production of the organization and the organizational performance (Yao, 1997). Mostly organization feedback to their employees in a reward form which can motivates them and their behavior is beneficial to the organization.


Perceived use of Enabling Performance Management Approach:


Performance management is guiding and supporting employees to work as effectively and efficiently as likely with the necessities of the organization Performance management keep motivating their employees and boost up their confidence through this constant motivation guidance and support employee work performance get better and better, (Walters, 1995)Communicating and leadership roles are important for high performance achievements in the organization ( Domingues, Vieira, & Agnihotri, 2017)objective clarity and involvement have been exposed to contribute to higher altitudes of motivation to attain managed performance provided managers to accept the targets (Hofstede, 1980). Performance management plays a vital role in boosting up and making best relation with employee it is found that high performance is not always the outcome of greater effort, but of better understanding (Frese & Zapf, 1994) engaging with employees getting their feedback and commitment established goals will lead to better performance. ( Seijts & Latham, 2000). Generally when income gained by employees or self derived worker their performances usually become well in th organization (Benz & Frey, 2008).


Job Satisfaction:


Job satisfaction can be defined as “a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences” (Locke, What is Job Satisfaction?, 1969). (Porter, lawler, & Hackman, 1975) Define job satisfaction that it is a feeling regarding a job which is “determined by the difference between the amount of some valued outcomes that a person receives and the amount of outcome he feels he should receive”. (Mahmood, Nudrat, Asdaque, Nawaz, & Haider, 2011) Defined it as an attitude that results from many particular experiences concerning likes and dislikes through the summation and balance in the job. This attitude itself manifests in the evaluation of employing organization and job which is largely based on the success and failures of individual achievements of perceived contribution and personal objectives of employing organization and job. There are many different “facets” or “aspects” which occur and are important to job satisfaction because it influences the person how they feel regarding their job (Lo & Ramayah, 2011). Employee satisfaction can have the level of involvement and motivation in the performance of their task which is affected by clarity of rules in the organization, access and availability of information on its’ strategy, relations with superior and development perspective and also in developmental opportunities (Czapkiewicz & Lewicka, 2008). (Saygi, Tolon, & Tekogul, 2011) Further elaborate that the career of any individual is the development of his or her own working life to take on responsibility, respect, higher status better salary through which any perception or condition negative to the personal talent might be the reason of dissatisfaction, and complaints of workers and psychological problems as well. Even though job satisfaction comprises internal reaction which can be developed because of the job conditions (e.g. attitude of the job and job itself) and one’s job perception that results in pay and security of the job. Hence, give results of different intrinsic and extrinsic dimensions.


Employee Work Experience:


Employee experience is what an employee have when employee is going for a job and there it is needed. It is kind of word of mouth which was done through workforce. If there is a bad experienced employee and having a bad word of mouth it definitely going to negative impact to others. No one wanted to have that particular place in organization as the previous employee had a bad experienced there. The experience consists of everything which has happened to him in the corporate world. It consist of job design, canteen, superior sub ordinates, provision of work space and the entire work environment and everything in corporate will result in a work experience in the organization (Kanika , Raghav , & Ruby , 2017)


Perceived Job Demand:


Perceived job demand comprises of some job characteristics that probably recall negative reactions of emotions (Bernadin, 1987). The requirements of the job result negative outcomes which may leads to psychological problems such as anxiety or depression while doing work and how he/she can face or reduce these stressors. Studies of previous researchers defined work load demand, time pressure, tough task requirements of the work and work pace/ intensity as the characteristics of job demand ( Demerouti, Nachreiner, Bakker, & Schaufeli, 2001). Many researchers observe job demand as lack of personal resources such as emotional or mental capacity to manage with the job requirements (Hobfoll S. E., 2001). In short, task overburdening, inadequate infrastructure and greater work burden all are associated with job demand.


Perceived Job Control:


(Karasek R. A., 1979) has define perceived job control as “having control over tasks and conduct during the working day “.Skinner and Baltes state, “Perceived job control has been examined not only for the reason that it is motivating in itself, even though, because it predicts significant aspect of motivational, cognitive, and expressive implementation”, (Abramson, Seligman., & Teasdale, 1978; Bandura, 1977; Peterson & Seligman , 1984) describe job control as it is considered as the contribution and self-sufficiency and is distinguishable or associated, related with managerial satisfaction, low level of objective, incentive, high standards of job satisfaction and psychological. The existing research has been define job control as work autonomy or decision authority (Ganster & Fusilier, 1989; Spector P. E., 1986) it allows individual employees so that they can intervene and directly make amendments in task at hand and aspects of work ( Rothbaum, Weisz, & Snyder, 1982; Spector R. E., 2002).In other words, excessive job demand perceptions can be decrease by job control.


Perceived Management Support:


The formulation of early concept of “principle support” i.e. the phase in which leaders of the organizations are willing to support and plays a key role in employee’s inclination towards change (Armenakis & Bedeian, 1990). Management support helps employees to cope with their role and its demand on daily basis ( Bakker, Demerouti, & Verbeke, 2004), along with positive impacts on organizational results such as motivation, employee engagement and well-being (Breevaart, et al., 2014; Morgeson & Humphrey, 2006; Nielsen, Randall, Yarker, & J. & Brenner, 2008; Podsakoff, MacKenzie, & Bommer, 1996; Rhoades & Eisenberger, 2002; Skakon, Nielsen, Borg, & Guzman, 2010; van & Jacobs, 2012; Whittington, Murray, & Goodwin, 2004). Supportive relationships have persistent effects which may turns to positive attitude of employee with respect to change in the context of organizational change (Jimmieson, White, & Zajdlewich, 2009),that further helps employees effectively move along with task of change (Bouckenooghe , Devos , & van den , 2009; Donald & Kurt , 2002).On the contrary, (Karasek & Theorell, Healthy Work: Stress, Productivity, and the Reconstruction of Working Life, 1990) defined social support “as helpful social interaction available from co-workers and/or supervisors in terms of task assistance for coping with work-related problems”. Some researchers investigated supervisor support as a frequent indicator and useful resource which affects job demand in two ways: Firstly, they advise to employees and give feedback related to their task. Secondly, they are responsible and directly assign task to employees. However, availability of resources for task accomplishment, reduction in task related demand and extension in deadlines are the direct influencing factors and have positive relation with supervisor support (Hobfoll S. E., 2001; Luchman & Morales, 2013).


Well Being:


In nature psychological well-being is definite and the term has no accepted definition. The term is subjective which says different things to different people. According to (The World Health Organization , 2012) wellbeing is a condition in which people know regarding their own capacity, how to deal with the normal life stressor and doing their work more effectively and efficiently. On the other hand, it is also a state of mental, social wellbeing or physical but not the infirmity or absence of disease. (Garg & Rastogi, 2009) Defines wellbeing as a state through which individuals evaluate the overall potential or quality of their life, concerning judgments of individual and their long lasting moods “happiness” with the evaluation one’s self “satisfaction with one’s physical and mental health and functioning” and its relationship with psychosocial environment (work satisfaction, life satisfaction). Even though the differences in the term, previous studies give the concept of wellbeing that it indicates the social functioning and psychological quality of individuals. In short, the term wellbeing explain the positive individual psychology functioning (Rathi, 2010). (Doherty, 2010) Explained the scope of employee wellbeing, is associated with organizational performance and individual performance as well. Moreover, in this study the researcher describes fewer conditions like anxiety, stress and etc. your mental well-being will be reached on devastating level.


Relationship between Constructs:


Performance Management - Employee Work Experience:


Performance management plays an important role in boosting up employee talent and enhancing his hidden skills it is found that managers who motivate and encouraged their employees had higher levels of presentations in their organization setting goals leads to greater success of multifaceted tasks and development of actual task plans. (Latham, 2001). In perceived job control several experts are dispositional are comparison to other people (Rotter, 1996) ( Sattar, Khaliq , & Butt , 2018). PM practices purposely help workers so that it can improve their performances with the help of trials, interventions and dealings ( DeNisi & Murphy, 2017).


Hypothesis1: Performance management practices has a positive direct relation with employee work experience.

Hypothesis2: Performance management practices has a positive direct relation with well-being.

Job Satisfaction - Employee Work Experience:


There are many literatures which explain that aged (old) workers can ethically carry out task more efficiently than the younger ones (Ruegger & King, 1992; Callan, 1992; Serwinek, 1992). Previous researchers did effort to relate different aspects regarding development through experience and age, experience with aged worker and perceived management support (Rhodes, 1893; Rosen & Jerdee, 1976a; 1976b; Rosen, Jerdee, & Lunn, 1981; Kardam & Rangnekar , 2012) .Employee who are working with same organization for years have a long experience and they are likely to be more responsible and find trouble in switching their job with other because of emotional affiliation with job and organization as well (Mathieu & Zajac, 1990; Meyer, Stanley, Herscovitch, & Topolnytsky, 2002) ( Kardam & Rangnekar , 2012).


Experience of employee explained the total time period of an employment. It is clearly observed that employee who are very much experienced can acknowledge their job in more effective manner than an inexperienced one. So, there would probably be a chance of experienced individual to be injury (offensive) at work. “Experts” and “sensitivity of hazards” give the notion that negative relationship should be indicated between experience and injury (offensive) at job. According to (Cooper & Phillips, 2004) major connection between injury of perception and time period have been found. (Huang, Ho, Smith, & Chen, 2006) Derive the negation relation among security and injury at job. In opposition, (Breslin, et al., 2007) he observes no relationship among them. Few studies are available which signifies that experience for employee matters at different stages of job satisfaction. Basically, there is an emotional state of job satisfaction which shows positivity and results from the evaluation of employee work experience. There are some common noted dimensions namely, wages, rapport recognition with co-workers and supervisors, work satisfaction, and chance for development. All the facets have their own concept and feeling of defining satisfaction with the job itself. However, different researcher defined differently job satisfaction. (Locke, 1976) Stated a definition of job satisfaction that completely defines it as a satisfactory or positive mental state that results from the consideration of one’s job or work experience.


Hypothesis3: job satisfaction has a positive direct relation with of employee work experience.

Hypothesis4: Job satisfaction has a positive direct relation with well-being


Employee Works Experiences - Well-Being:


The term well-being refers to a comprehensive way an individual current experiences for a time period and how much they satisfied with their typical life ( Kahneman, Krueger, Schkade, Schwarz, & Stone, 2004). (Danna & Griffin, 1999) Stated that an employee is being too nice can hit his physical activities, in organizational terminology it have a negative impact on employee compensation complaints, absenteeism, productivity and so on. (Deci & Ryan, 2012) Through combining “self-dedication” approach in COR ( Halbesleben, Neveu, Underdahl, & Westman, 2014) disagree to gather assets related to associated autonomy, comprises job control may have the negative effect on wellbeing. Social support and job related control are being treated as main resources job. It has been define that perceived manipulation over one’s responsibility and behavior in the context of a work and involves the changing of work environment through the amendments in job task and job methods (Karasek R. , 1979; Chetty, 2016).


Hypothesis5: Employee work experience has a positive direct relation with Well-being.


Mediating Role of Employee Work Experience:


As suggested by ( Peccei R. , 2004) individual employee experience can be better elaborate well-being of an employee that results many types of HRM practices implemented by organizations. Through his logic, different facets of performance management practices will have a clear-cut influence on experience of employee which may have result of low and high well-being. The literature of the study suggest that specifically the environment is being effected by the well-being of employees ( Kinman, Jones, & Kinman, 2006) accompanied by interpersonal relationship, work load demand, work place related stress are higher between other fields of work ( Kinman & Court, 2010). Especially, job load is seemingly perceived to be less manageable and social support is also being ruin with it. For instance, the degree of employee bullying is being delineate ( Kinman, Jones, & Kinman, 2006)


Hypothesis6: Performance management practices has a positive indirect relation with Well-being with the mediation of employee work experience.

Hypothesis7: Job satisfaction has a positive indirect relation with Well-being with the mediation of employee work experience.


Research Methodology


The research is based on the employees of different banks and tested all the constructs on a non-contrived environment.


Method of Data Collection:


This is a Quantitative research and data is collected in to two categories; primary data has been collected through Questionnaire and Online forms. Data gathering process is totally discretionary, no benefits or perks is given to any respondent. Secondary data is collected through the previous researches based on the performance management, job satisfaction, employee experience and well-being. There is an excessive interference of researchers in collection of primary and secondary data; and type of investigation is casual. The time horizon of study is cross-sectional because of some time constraints. The researcher uses dyads and individual unit of analysis. Questionnaire is dependent on 26 questions which include demographics information such as gender, age, house hold income, qualification and responses are based on 5-point Likert scale which are 5=strongly agree, 4=agree ,3=neutral, 2=disagree, 1=strongly disagree.


Sampling Technique:


In this study, data was collected from the employees of different banks. Furthermore, the researchers used systematic sampling technique in collection of data and prefer those respondents with a minimum qualification of bachelor’s degree and lied in the age group of 30- 40 as they are more likely to give their opinions regarding their job.


Performance Management ( (Monica Franco-Santos, Noeleen Doherty, 2017)

Directive PM Approach
My institution uses specific performance indicators to monitor performance.
My institution sets specific performance targets to differentiate good and bad performance.
Enable PM Approach
My institution develops its strategic plans following a thorough consultation process.
My institution is effective at communicating how the work of individuals and teams contributes to its overall success.
My institution provides us with the necessary resources to do our work well.
My institution provides constant opportunities for learning and development.



I had a sense of achievement in my job.
I gained a feeling of worthwhile accomplishment from my job.
I enjoyed the feeling of responsibility my job gave me.
I enjoyed the kind of work I did.
I liked the people with whom I worked.


Employee Work Experience (Monica Franco-Santos, Noeleen Doherty, 2017)

Perceived Job Demand
Different groups at work demand things from me that are hard to combine.
I have unachievable deadlines.
I have unrealistic time pressures.
Perceived Job Control

I have a choice in deciding what I do at work.

I have a choice in deciding how I do my work.

I have some say over the way I work.
Perceived Management Support
I am given supportive feedback on the work I do
I can rely on my line manager to help me out with a work problem.
I can talk to my line manager about something that has upset or annoyed me about work.


Well-Being (Monica Franco-Santos, Noeleen Doherty, 2017)

Vitality well-being
I feel alive and vital at work.
I have energy and spirit at work.
I am looking forward to each new day at work.
Relational well-being
I am subject to personal harassment at work.
I am subject to bullying at work.
Relationships at work are strained.



Statistical Technique:


The researcher used MS-Excel for clearing un-engaged responses and outliers of the data and identifying the missing values as well. Besides this, construct reliability and validity have been determined by SMART-PLS whereas, two tables are covered by discriminant validity that is Fornell-Larcker criteria and cross loading factors. The study further illustrates the R-square table which describes the coefficient of correlation and outer values which describes the co-linearity statistics of the study. Furthermore, the study also stated the result of bootstrapping which explains the path coefficient and notify the rejection and acceptance of hypothesis.


Results &Analysis

Following are the results and analysis of the study.

Table no1: Construct Reliability and Validity


As stated by (Fraenkel & Wallen, 1996) the values which lie between 0.7 to 0.99 range of cronbach’s alpha are accepted. The above table shows the values of performance management, DPMA, EPMA, job satisfaction, employee work experience, perceived job demand, perceived management support, well-being and vitality well-being are accepted with the support of reference. Likewise, (Hinton, Cozens, & Brownlow, 2004) stated the values which lie between 0.5 to 0.7 range are also accepted as shown in above table perceived job control and relational stress well-being are accepted. As suggested by (Rothbard & Edwards, 2003), the values of rho_A should be 0.7 or more so, the values of constructs and its dimensions are accepted through the given reference. Though, the values of average variance extracted should be increased and is greater from 0.5 are accepted which covers performance management,DPMA, EPMA ,job satisfaction, employee work experience, PJD, PJC, PMS, well-being, RWB and VWB (0.797, 0.639, 0.651, 0.569, 0.577,0.812,0.546, 0.775, 0.651, 0.783, 0.610) are increasing correspondingly supported with the reference of (Hall, 2010).




With the help of cross loadings and Fornell-Larcker Criteria, discriminant validity is evaluated. According to (Hair, Thomas, Hult, & Sarsedt, 2014) as shown in the table all the values should be greater than the coefficient of constructs and are the square root of AVE. The values which are in diagonal form are greater than the coefficient of constructs and are square root of AVE which states that data is discriminately valid. Furthermore, the cut-off values indicated that cross loading values should be greater than other loadings and should be greater than 0.7 as suggested by (Hair, Thomas, Hult, & Sarsedt, 2014) as shown in the table all the values are cross loading with other constructs.


Coefficient of correlation:



According to the author (Falk & Miller, 1992), R square value should be 0.1. the above table explains the impacts of the constructs which are DPMA IS 20.6%, EPMA 90.4%, employee work experience 6.8%, perceived job control 28.6%, perceived job demand 94.3%, perceived management support 2.1%, relational stress well-being 17.9%, vitality well-being 95.3% and well-being 31.3% in data.




The above results show that perceived job control (t=7.013, p value=0.000<0.05) and perceived job demand (t=52.056, p value=0.000<0.05) so researchers fail to reject null hypothesis. Similarly, in EPMA (t=28.161, p value=0.000<0.05), well-being (t=4.524, p value=0.000<0.05), vitality well-being (t=44.684, p value=0.000<0.05) and well-being (t=2.426, p value=0.015<0.05) so the researchers has failed to reject null hypothesis. However, employee work experience (t=1.068, p value=0.286<0.05), well-being (t=0.695, p value=0.487<0.05) and employee work experience (t=1.976, p value=0.048<0.05) according to the results the researchers has reject the alternative hypothesis.


The above table shows the strength of mediation whether the constructs have mediation effect or have direct relationship. According to rule, there is a true mediation if the direct effect is insignificant and indirect path is significant. If both the direct and indirect path are significant than there is a partial mediation. However, if the direct effect is significant and indirect effect is insignificant than there is no mediation. According to (Hair, Hult, Ringle, & Sarstedt, 2014) if a value of VAF is greater than 80% is true mediation, a value with in the range of 20% to 80% is partial mediation and a value which is less than 20% is no mediation. The JS-> EWE -> WB has no mediation and the path PM -> EWE -> WB also has no mediation


Discussion & Conclusion


After conducting this study on employees of different banks of Karachi. Pakistan, the researcher has come to a point that there is no mediating role of employee work experience with performance management and job satisfaction and no direct relationship with well-being as well. This means that the employees who stay for longer period is just because of reward system, appreciation, incentives, leadership roles for attainment of goals, high self-esteem, and their development through different training programs and taking feedback from them. However, it is observed from the results that now in the contemporary world organizations are very much focused to retain their employees by offering them a high pay scale, time flexibility and give them freedom of expression and the above mentioned external factors so that their self-esteem will be satisfied and they prefer those organizations, banks and spread words about their extrinsic benefits rather than focusing on their work experience but this will also impact negatively because the ratio of job switching will be greater and individuals only work for the benefits they will get from their employment and are not loyal to their work place. According to the results the researcher has reject the alternative hypothesis of well-being and employee work experience. However, as stated by ( Peccei R. , 2004) the employee work experiences; perceived job demand, perceived job control and perceived management support negatively relates the aspects of well-being. Employee work experience has a significant and negative connection with relation stress.


Theoretical Underpinnings


PM has been exxplained as the process of measuring, defining,rewarding and evaluating the performance of the people working at the workplace ( den Hartog, Boselie, & Paauwe, 2004). Performance Management is more likely associated with managerialism philosophy ( Deem & Brehony, 2005; Deem, Hillyard, & Reed, 2007; Townley, 1997), that weighup a distinct beliefs regarding the organization (in terms of financial success) amd human behaviour( interms of self-interest and rational). However, there is an argument between two theories namely; (1) Agency Theory and (2) Stewardship Theory, both theories have differerent perspective of performance management, work experience and wellbeing. Agency theory ( Eisenhardt, 1989; Jensen & Meckling, 1976; Monica Franco-Santos, Noeleen Doherty, 2017)says that risk averse, self-interested and effort averse actions all are the performance traits of employees who behave as an agent. It entails that getting maximum profit is the overall goal of organization which are observed and measurable ( Fama, 1980); and satisfaction of one’s self-interest enhances the wellbeing through money and other extrinsic perks ( Sen, 2002). The theory presupposes that the social relation at workplace is harmful and have consequences of deviation (e.g. insider trading, unions and nepotism) ( Rocha & Ghoshal, 2006). In contrast, stewardship theory is opposite to agency theory which assumes that employees can act as a steward instead an agent ( Davis, Schoorman , & Donaldson, 1997; Monica Franco-Santos, Noeleen Doherty, 2017).Stewardship theory have an approach of covenantal relationship that both the parties either employees or organization work for the same goal without targeting each other it shows the moral commitment among parties which binds them as a team (Hernandez, 2012; Monica Franco-Santos, Noeleen Doherty, 2017). This study presupposes that there is a positive direct relation between PM, EWE and WB also a direct relation betweem JS, EWE and WB. Employee work experience takes as a mediator but there is no mediation found and alternative hypothesis of employee work experience and wellbeing has been rejected. Performance management and wellbeing have a positive direct relation in which two approaches of Performance management supports the theories i.e “Directive PM Approach supports the agency theory” and “Enabling PM Approach” supports the stewardship theory”but they donot underpin the work experience of employees, this investigation gave an experimental proof both the theories are working for the satisfaction and well being of the employees and organization.


Limitation & Suggestions for Future Dimension


Researcher after conducting this study suggests that there is a room of increase in sample size as it affects the results, the researcher have some time constraint and this study can also be conducted in different cities of Pakistan. Besides this, the research can also enhance through two perspective namely, (1) comparative study between cities of Pakistan and on a provincial basis and further changing of mediator, variables and dimensions of existing constructs will be added in this study (2) the positive dimension of well-being i.e. perceived vitality need some future research because not any one of the perceived employee experiences seems to have an effect on positive dimension of well-being( happiness indicated by vitality well-being) used in this research.




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