The core objective of this paper and all factors move around the intentions. Research aims is to observe the relationship traits of personality and behavior planned theory towards the entrepreneurial intention with having gender as a moderator. This study has been done under the shade of our country. The respondent for this study was selected the hub of the country and city of lights Karachi which is the backbone of Pakistan. We targeting the youth to investigate their thoughts and data have been gathered through different past studies as well as our roaming social sites with having the linkages to towards the senior persons. To get the results we have been analyzed the 380 samples. For the reason of multiple regression variables to obtain the objectives of the research we analyzed the author’s data. By having report, we ready to know that personality traits and efficacy have no significance impact on entrepreneurial intention but the behavior planned theory has been associated as a factor which have significance impact on the intention. The current study suggested that the entrepreneurs consider the behavior planned theory factor.


Keywords: Entrepreneurial intention, Behavior planned theory, Personality traits, Self-efficacy, Gender.



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