Review Process

1. Submission of Paper

The author submits its full Manuscripts to JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCE via E-mail. An E-mail is then forwarded to the corresponding author and allocate one manual number as an acknowledgment.


2. Editorial Board

Editorial board comprises of an internal committee which primarily works on to check the Aims and Scope of the given manuscripts. Plagiarism is checked and then presents it Editorial board. Overall quality has been checked prioritizing the structure of the writing. Contribution to the field and Journal articles area is been fulfilled is checked by the editorial committee.


3. Associate Editors

Once the manuscript has been approved by the Editorial board, then the manuscript has been sent to the internal Associate Editors for the decision of forwarding the manuscripts for Double blind review process by the external Reviewers.


4. Blind Review Process

Double blind review process is a review process in which manuscripts is been sent to the external reviewer as an anonyms identity of the author. Primarily the reviewer will look upon the manuscripts in the following areas


  • Introduction of the Research Papers
  • Literature of the Research Papers
  • Grammatical Structures
  • Citation of the sources
  • References as per APA format
  • Knowledge Contribution

5. Communication

Communication of the observations by reviewers is then sent to the author’s Via-E-mail and the deadlines are also communicated to authors for the re-submissions. Once the authors re-submits the manuscripts then plagiarism has been checked, and then re-evaluation has been done by the Associate editors. Once every observation is omitted by the scholars than it has to go for the publication process.


6. Publications

All the accepted manuscripts are then forwarded for publication in the upcoming volume/issue.